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New Trends in Climate Finance Discussed in 2023 ICEF


June 2-4, the 2023 International Conference on Climate and Energy Finance (ICEF) was hosted by the Business school of Hunan University in Changsha, China. Professor JI Qiang from the Institutes of Science and Development of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASISD) is the conference president. Professor SUN Xiaolei and Professor XIA Yan from CASISD, also participated. 

With the global challenges of climate change, the conference focuses on “New Trends in Climate Finance under the Carbon Neutrality Target” and attracted more than 500 scholars from over 120 Universities in China, Singapore, Japan and the United States. 

Professor Christiane Baumeistere from the University of Notre Dame, Professor MA Tieju from East China University of Science and Technology, Professor Shunsuke Managi from Kyushu University, and Professor SU Bin from the National University of Singapore, were invited to deliver keynote presentations, providing interdisciplinary dialogues and academic exchanges and facilitating critical insights on climate finance and energy transition. 

Ji summarized that the number of attendees, submissions, and young scholars at 2023 ICEF reached a record high, and moreover a series of forward-looking and theoretical results were achieved, which will have effective guidance and inspiration for climate finance, energy finance, and green innovation. 

Since 2018, the ICEF has been held for six times, with participants from more than 200 universities in 20 countries and regions. ICEF has been included in the Guide to Major Academic Conferences of the China Association for Science and Technology for four consecutive years, playing an important role in promoting the development of climate and energy finance disciplines and talent training in China. 

The 2023 International Conference on Climate and Energy Finance (ICEF) held in Changsha.